Train Crew Information
May 3th and 4th at McEwen, Oregon
Come early - special work day Friday May 2rd !
All train crew members are expected to attend Safety Training this year.This year's SafetyTraining will be different from prior year's, so come see the new safety meeting!
Most of it will be done from here, on-line, using this test, and be ready for the Hands-On days.
Print out this test and use it to train from here and be ready for the safety weekend ( bring your completed test with you to the weekend ).
See below for all the information covered by the test.
Safety Training Test |
This year we will require members to attend both days, classes in the mornings and hands-on sessions in the afternoons. We will finish the days with half day, hands-on, training sessions, in small groups, outdoors, for things like: ( this will be the half day of your choice from the four available, but you can attend more if you want to)
- signalling
- coupling/uncoupling
- mounting/dismounting
- fire train crewing
- brake system inspections
- (more to come)
- Staying Safe video
- Hospitality Presentation video
- Promotional Checklist for train service
- Brakeman
- Conductor
- Yard Engineer
- Fire train Engineer
- Rail motor car operator
- Hostler
- Fireman
- Engineer
- Sumpter Valley Train Crew Training and Qualification Program
- #3 Hostling and firing Instructions
- #19 Hostling and firing Instructions
- Air Brakes for Dummies: The Basics, adapted from Al Krug.
- Train Brakes at SVRR
- Train Brake Basics: A review article on how air brakes "apply" (no pun intended) on the Sumpter Valley Railroad.
- Air Brake Tests and Inspections: Everything about air tests and train inspections. Required knowledge for all train crew positions.
- Firefighting Review: A refresher (1.8 MB .ppt file).
- Fire Scenarios: A series of situations work through and discuss, group recommended, (206 KB .ppt file).
- Firefighting Exam: After working through above presentations you should ace this, (193 KB .ppt file).
These days are Saturday May 3th and Sunday May 4th .
RSVP to so we'll know how many for breakfast and lunch (provided).
There wil be an optional track maintenance day on Friday May 2rd - plan to attend to learn all you wanted to know about right-of-way maintenance !
We will be adding videos to this site for things like signalling, brake inspections, coupling, etc. STAY TUNED !
Crew Schedule and Caboose Reservations
The latest Crew Schedules and Caboose Crew Reservations.
For crew scheduling, email
For crew scheduling, email
Rules, Regulations, and Reference
Air Brakes
When passengers or crew need medical attention, contact the Conducter in charge of the train, who will administer what first aid we have on-hand and call for additional medical resources, giving the location, the access, and what help is needed.
Fire Training
WILDLAND FIREFIGHTING FOR RAILROADERSANY smoke or unattended fire is your responsibility, even an unattended burn pile - remember, the railroad will be blamed for any damage, whether we started it or not.
Your main job as the fire train engineer is:
SEE the fire/smoke
REPORT it to the depot or 911 to get help coming
STOP the passenger train
MAKE sure the incoming fire resources know where to access.
Incoming fire resources will arrive in minutes - probably Powder River Fire or ODF - and will need immediate access to the fire to be effective and will take command of the fire to relieve you.
When REPORTING the smoke/fire, make sure to report WHERE, ACCESS, FUEL(type and amount), WIND, and your plans to attack.
We ( you ) will NOT say the fire is out - too much liability for a re-kindle - let ODF or Powder River Fire take charge and say the fire is out.
Resources for experienced train crew as well as people new to the railroad and firefighting. It is suggested that you start with the first, more in-depth, presentation and working down the list, ending with the exam. All Fire Training files will need to be downloaded and viewed with MS Powerpoint or LibreOffice.